Quotes Workever
Quote Software for Business

Quotes Software

Quotes Workever

Create custom quotes whilst on the move and automatically connect jobs, customers and invoices. Get from customer enquiry to receiving payments faster than ever before.

Create a Quote on the Fly

Responding to a customer enquiry quickly can make a huge impact on the likelihood of securing their business. By using Worker’s iOS or Android mobile app, you and your team get custom quotes sent out in seconds, wherever you are.

Quotes Workever
Quotes Workever

Total Quote control

Workever’s desktop version is a powerful home for all of your connected workflows, meaning that going from quotation, to starting work, to invoicing and to receiving payment is a seamless process. You also have all of your customer data at hand, making communications and updates easy.

Everything you need in one place

Active Quotes

Your customers can see all of their quotes whenever they want and approve them if you give them permission. 

Syncing sales management and contact management tasks can be very complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Customers can request quotes themselves, meaning that going from quote to job to payment can be as quick as possible.

Quotes Workever
Quotes Workever

Connect Jobs & Invoices

Jobs with your customer will be automatically updated in their portal. Help customers know what invoices are outstanding and what they’ve paid. Get paid and manage sales automatically: the best bit about CRM software.

Customer testimonials

Helping businesses just like yours

Find out why customers use our software to remove paperwork, improve communicaton, plan, manage and run efficient, growing businesses.

Great software for our nationwide team

With steady growth and incline in customers, we approached Workever. We rapidly went from dis-organised excel files to one centralised, organised system that our entire enterprise now operates on.

Quotes Workever

Miles Ward

Spalls Nationwide Cleaning & Facilities

It’s really easy to use!

We now have everyone working digitally, we can plan in advance, and the technicians can easily see what’s going on all the time, so changes to schedules are no longer a problem. The technicians no longer have to keep coming into office.

Quotes Workever

Mike Philbin

Manager at Nu-Life Floor Care Ltd

50% reduction in paperwork!

The Workever and Xero integration has helped us eliminate the need to double enter data. I love the fact I can invoice in Workever and all of my data automatically appears in Xero. It’s brilliant!

Quotes Workever

Michelle Avis

Office Manager at Drains Ahead

Easy to use job and field management software

No commitment, no auto subscriptions, no credit card required

What Is Quoting Software?

Seize the benefits of Workever’s quoting software for a fast, accurate, and easy quoting process. Our systems automate the creation of such documents, making them more accurate and with fewer errors. Automating this process will help your sales reps present strong proposals to their prospects quicker than ever to gain a competitive advantage when the time comes for negotiations.

A quoting software is a CPQ tool that efficiently runs and automates the sales proposal and request for proposals phases of a sales cycle. The quoting software helps you create quotes and proposals, convert quotes into invoices, and handle the contracts through e signatures. Quoting software is an essential tool for project management for businesses in various industries. Manufacturers, field service agents, creative agencies, and business sales representatives leverage the use of such software when looking to provide an interactive quote and proposal experience for their customers.

A quotation is a formal offer to do work, provide goods or services at a stated price. Quoting software automates the process of quotes generation from customer requests and solicitations. The quotation software is used by small businesses, large corporations & even governments for various purposes. Some of them are:

  • To generate quotations/offers in response to customers’ requests for prices.
  • To track proposals and invoices from a single program interface
  • To manage job scheduling, which not only let users know which jobs are pending but also how much time each will take
  • To generate the bills and send them to customers via e-mail

In other words, it is a business application where you can track jobs from creation to invoicing. It offers enough functionality so that as small businesses grow into bigger ones, there is no need to upgrade your Quoting Software.

This software generally enables sales reps (whether in person or on the phone) to create quotes for customers and track their orders & billing information from start to finish.

The quoting solution saves time by:

  • Pre-populating fields with customer information when creating new quotes
  • Reducing errors when sending out quote requests
  • Automating many of the manual steps involved in processing quotations
  • Tracking order status

The software provides tools that let users define categories, products, services, and other items to be quoted. Users can easily create both single item quotes & mass quotes using provided templates. It also allows users to manage the quotation’s life cycle, so it helps you maintain a history of all the quotations created by your team in one place. This is done within the software itself and can be accessed at any time. This feature also comes in handy when you need to send some information/quotation to the customer after the revised pricing.

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Workever: A Quoting Management-Solution That Helps

It doesn’t matter where you are or what device you’re using. Whether it’s your desktop in the office or out with clients on-site who want some quotes but only have your mobile phone handy – don’t worry about anything! We’ve got your back covered at Workever. You can edit one of our pre-existing templates that fit every occasion imaginable (and then some!) to generate single or multiple quotations, all within an easy clickable, user-friendly interface.

For service providers, once the client accepts the quote, you can immediately start the work. By clicking start work, the client gets an automatic notification on the job progress. Workever easily integrates the quoting process with job management, which makes project management much more efficient. 

The system is intuitive, so once you start the work, you can easily convert it to a job. By just clicking ‘Convert to Job’, you can proceed to the job stage. You will be able to see all the relevant job information on your client, the duration of the job as agreed upon in the quotation, the job description, and other details such as the location of the job. You don’t have to feed this information manually as the software fetches all the data from the approved quotation.

Once you have delivered the products and they are accepted, or your services have been approved, you can now send your invoice. After this, the software makes the provision for you to receive payments. The availability of all the information allows the finance team from the client’s end to quickly approve the invoices because the system counter checks all the details. You can avoid mishaps like lost invoices or double payouts. Workever allows for integration with payment platforms; therefore, your client can pay immediately after the invoice is approved.

In many instances, a proposal is the first interaction that your business has with a potential client. You want to appear professional in every way. In certain industries, it’s nearly impossible to vary your pricing too much from your competitor because of slim profit margins or pre-determined industry figures. Therefore, your presentation becomes a key differentiator. It can be the determining factor in who gets to take home the contract. 

Workever has templates for you to create professional quotes. You don’t have to be an expert at creating proposals to use our software. Our proposal automation will fetch the necessary information from the customer portal as well as your product database to generate proposals with the right price details and product mixes. 

Don’t miss out on clients because you can’t create a professional quote; let us help you out. Whether you provide services at hourly rates or charge standard fees, our software can generate the quotations required to bag those clients.

You can create a custom quote status to fit the needs of your business. Even businesses operating in the same industry will have unique needs when it comes to the quotation process. Workever allows you to customise any of our standard templates to fit your organisation’s unique needs. By customising your quote, Workever’s software will enable you to receive real-time progress data, which allows you to track the progress of a proposal, thereby helping you improve your service delivery process. 

If your company needs quote visits, Workever provides a scheduling function. A schedule quote visit is created with the click of a button, and the other party gets a notification. With this function, you don’t have to worry about the follow-up process after scheduling.

The last thing you want is to manually manage processes because quoting software does not support some of your other CRM, ERP, accounting, or payment programs. Workever allows for the integration with other programs such as Quickbooks, Xero, Excel. You can also use your credit or debit cards for payments on the platform. Our quoting software also supports email services such as Twilio SendGrid and Outlook and messaging platforms like Twilio SMS messaging.

If you need to send your quotation in a PDF format, Workever supports this function. Additionally, you can export your Workever customer and product data to an Excel sheet. Don’t feel limited when you need to generate information for bookkeeping or reporting because you have the option of exporting the required data to easily usable formats. 

Workever is a cloud-based software, so it offers you more flexibility. The available plans, base, premium, and ultimate, can be paid either monthly or annually. Each plan is paid per user, and the main difference is the accessible features. You have the flexibility of choosing the plan that fits your needs and budget. 

Benefits of a Quoting Management Software

1. Win Customers With Accurate Quotes

At some point in your life, you might have asked a sales representative how much an item cost; they told you one figure, only to quote a different figure a couple of minutes later. The price of an item heavily influences our decision to consider or pass on a product or service. The instant a figure is quoted, you pretty much have your mind made up. You can immediately decide whether it fits your budget and whether or not you need to consider other options. 

Should the attendant return with an apology and a different figure, your interest in the item at play could be as good as gone. Additionally, you have to begin weighing your options all over again. But, most importantly, mistrust is created between you and the salesperson. You have to double-check any other information that they give you. Inaccurate quotes are a major reason why prospective customers opt out of working with a company. It shows a lack of attention to detail which can be pretty costly when it comes to the accounting process.

Further, as a sales team, you could send out your quote feeling confident that you have sealed that deal and move on to other functions only to find out later you made an error. These small mistakes create inefficiencies in your sales department. Quoting software is designed to help you get accurate quotes from the first quote creation attempt. It fetches the correct details from the system, thus eliminating any data entry errors possible in a manual quote creation process. 

2. Provides a Smart Quotes Solution for Complex Pricing of Configurable Products

The process of creating quotes can be time-consuming and difficult for many companies. In today’s market, the growth of e-commerce platforms has opened up businesses to handling both B2B and B2C customers. Some of the purchases can be complex, thus complicating the quote and proposal creation process. Further, with the growth of e-commerce sites, customers have more choices, so businesses have to get it right from the get-go.

You need to create a personalised quote that fits the specific needs of the customer. Sometimes one customer might even need multiple quotes. Additionally, you not only need to get the complex quotes right, but you also need to send them within a short period because your competition might work faster than you do. 

A sales quote software fetches information from CRM and ERP systems to get the most recent prices. You also get unique details about your customers so that you can create personalised quotes that help you close on the sale. 

3. Eliminate Inefficiencies in Contract Negotiations

As a salesperson, imagine chasing a lead for weeks only to fumble at the last minute because of a delayed signature or a mistake in a price quotation. Good quoting software will help you from the creation of the quotes stage, proposal creation all the way through the contract management. 

The software is integrated with other databases with all the updated data you need to generate competitive quotes for your business. It’s also linked to your CRM system, so you also have access to your customer details. Using these resources, the software can generate quotes, help you through the contract negotiations since it’s intuitive, and allows for e signatures, thus hastening the process. 

A quotation management software is a solution that helps you eliminate human errors and reduces the quoting process significantly, thus increasing your chances of winning the business. Small businesses with a smart sales and marketing team use this tool to streamline the quotes and proposals process.

4. Helps With Branding

Every single action that your business takes ties to its branding. The quoting and proposal experience that you give your client is also part of your branding. Further, you can also use custom visual aspects to aid in building your company’s image. 

5. Obtain Actionable Insight 

A quoting software solution gives you access to real-time customer data. You can see the practices, trends, product-related data and make decisions based on this information. You can also generate reports which give you valuable insights on the performance of your products and services, customer actions, and information on your sales and marketing representatives.

6. Integrate Customer and Product Information

You can have both customer and product information in a shared database. This helps you to systemise your products according to your customers, which enriches your CRM database. Using this information can help you make better sales and marketing decisions.

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What to Consider When Getting a Quoting Software

The quoting process is similar for most businesses. However, companies are run differently, cater to different types of clientele, run at different scales, have different modes of operations, among other typical considerations. With this in mind, your quoting software of choice needs to satisfy the unique needs of your business. Below are key considerations: 

Is it Cloud-Based or On-Premise Software?

Cloud-based software allows multiple users to access shared resources via the internet. If your company has employees based in different locations, cloud-based software provides better flexibility and is perhaps more cost-effective. You only need to pay a monthly subscription to have access to the services.

On the other hand, on-premise software means that the software is hosted on a company’s server. This can prove a bit problematic when dealing with users in multiple locations, and the deployment can be costly. In most instances, you pay a license fee for on-premise software rather than a monthly subscription.

Variables such as the company’s resources, the business model- whether your employees work mainly from home or the office would determine whether a business purchases a cloud-based quoting software or an on-premise one.


The management of quotes and proposals is just one aspect of project management, so you need software that allows for integrating other programs. The purpose of using management software is to increase efficiency in your processes. You don’t want to have a situation where your employees have to make double entries because various programs run independently of each other without the option of integration. Make sure the software features allow for integration with your existing CRM systems, ERP and accounting software.

Communication Channels

Good quoting management software has inbuilt communication channels that eliminate the need for multiple emails and phone calls. For example, instead of emailing back and forth with customers on the status of the quotation, the software automatically indicates the status. The amount of time and attention given to such communication events can be used more efficiently in other aspects of the business. 


In a world where data is the new gold, you want to ensure that your information is well protected. When purchasing your quoting software, ask your vendor to provide documents that state clearly the agreement on data privacy. The last thing you want is to leak your customer information or your business data. 


Proposals, Quotes, and Invoice Creation

You need to make sure that it is indeed a quoting software and not a document generation program. A quoting software can automatically generate discounts, customer and product price matrix, and volume pricing, among other product pricing tasks. 

Quotes and Proposal Customisation

Closely linked to the creation of quotes, a good quoting software allows you to create custom quotes. To send better proposals than your competition, you need to add a personal touch in addition to the standard elements of a professional proposal. Custom elements could include design, branding, product mixes, pricing, and messaging. 

Configurable Products

Some businesses include different products at different stages, so you need software that helps you configure the different options offered at each stage. You need a platform that enables you to manage these choices as part of a process, rather than individually, and without mix-up. For example, as a service provider in the hospitality industry, you can offer your client different packages based on varying criteria. A certain range of booking dates come at a certain price: the number of clients, room type, meal plan and length of stay are all determining factors when creating a quotation. Different combinations of these factors result in different prices, so you need a proposal software that can configure these differences. 


Automation is a commonly used selling point for software quoting solutions because it cuts down the time taken to complete the process. Make sure that the system you get supports automated approvals and automated orders. Quoting software that supports automated approvals will also support e signatures. 


A quoting system has all the pricing and product data from your business. Reports from this data are essential in creating strategies for your company. While very few quoting management software have inbuilt reporting capabilities, a good system should give you control over the creation of reports by filtering some fields. 

For example, you can create reports on outstanding quotes, quotes won in a certain period, a list of products sold in a given time frame, and you can also track the progress of individual sales representatives. All these reports are important in your decision-making process. 

Ask your vendor about the reporting capabilities because some of the software available has non-customisable reporting templates while others require you to use third-party applications. Such limitations make using your customer, employee, and product data very difficult, so you have to create the reports manually, and you can also miss out on opportunities to leverage the data. 

Technical Support

Have you ever run into a problem with a service, and you can only reach the provider via email? So, you have to wait indefinitely for them to respond. Aside from the anxiety of not knowing when they will respond, you might also need to have a lot of back and forth before you get a solution for your problem. Now imagine having such a situation in a business setting. There are high chances that your business will suffer losses. You can differentiate service providers by their support channels.

To prevent such tedious problem resolution systems from affecting your business, you need to make sure that your proposal software vendor is reachable by call to facilitate direct communication in case of a problem. The support team should be readily and easily accessible in case of any crisis. Try calling the number beforehand to ensure that you can depend on the technical assistance. 

Frequently asked Questions

What is a CPQ Tool?

CPQ is an acronym for configure, price, and quote. A CPQ tool is a software that the sales team uses to produce error-free quotes within a short time frame. CPQ tools aid businesses in quoting and proposal automation.

It is an extension of CRM. It fetches the key elements of the sales cycle from spreadsheets and uses this data to create quotes. CPQ tools help the sales and marketing department in creating even the most complex quotes. Further, a CPQ is a software solution that allows the sales team to create the correct product combinations and automates the approval process so you can close deals faster. 

How do I Create a Quote?

Creating a quote on Workever is fast and straightforward- simply use a template from our content library. You can also attach any files that you need to include in your quote on the quotes tab. Once you’re satisfied with the details in your quote, you can then send it directly to your client in the customer portal. 

You can also create multiple quotes. Using the customer and product databases, you can generate complex quotes to cater to B2B customers. The software can also create complex product mixes without you having to keep track.

Can I get Paid Using Quoting Software?

Yes, you can receive payments using quoting software. Many of the systems available in the market support every aspect of the sales process, including quotes and invoices. Once you send an invoice, you can get paid using the system, but you need to have the system integrated with payment options like Stripe. 

Can you Make a Quotation in Excel?

Yes, you can use Excel to make a quotation. In fact, many small businesses use Excel to create quotations. The templates on Excel can cover an hourly quotation as well as a one-time template. Excel allows you to create a custom quotation by adding your business details, rates, address, payment terms, phone number, and other details. 

You would, however, have to do manual data entry of all the specifics. Unlike software, you would need to pull the prices and product details manually from your spreadsheets and fill them in your workbook to create a quotation on Excel. You can then convert it to a PDF format before emailing it to your client. While this might work for small businesses, a larger business with complex and numerous quotes might find the process tedious and time-consuming.

Which Quoting Software Should I Use for My Business?

Many businesses in the United Kingdom today use quoting software- but Workever is the best in the market. Workever is intuitive and has an array of features designed to help in the automation and streamlining of the sales proposal process. 

Workever was founded in 2015 in London with the mission to help small businesses save time and money by eliminating the hassle of dealing with day-to-day tasks. The software prioritises the automation of many functions in the operation of businesses to give the staff time to focus on other aspects of the business.

Since the inception of Workever, the software has helped their customers generate thousands of business winning proposals. Workever serves businesses in different industries, including facility management, locksmiths, handypersons, HVAC, roofing, holiday management, and manufacturing. Each of the customers in any industry can use the quoting software and have the leeway to customise some elements of the proposals to fit the unique needs of the industry or business.

Workever has continuously improved the software in anticipation of the customer needs so that the customers don’t have to worry about having to do some tasks manually. 

Get Started and Quickly Close Deals With Professional Quotes

Your competition isn’t creating sales quotes from scratch, risking quotation errors, and delivering sloppy services to customers, so why should you? Get started now on our free trial; no credit card required. Have a feel of all our features before making this a permanent solution. For companies with five or more users, you can try the live demo. Just contact our support team online, and we’ll guide you through it.

Convinced we’re the best fit for your business? Get on any of our plans; no contract needed, no setup costs. Just a monthly payment and you have access to all the tools you need to create beautiful proposals and quotes. 

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