As a business owner, you know that the work week doesn’t conveniently end on a Friday afternoon. Whilst your staff kick back and unwind over the weekend, you’re catching up on everything that fell through the cracks during the week, not to mention the hours you’ll need to spend planning for the next week. You’ve become a master juggler, but with all the job bookings, client emails and on-site visits, you probably can’t remember the last time you actually had a weekend to yourself.
But what if your weekends could be yours again?Take control of your week and reclaim your weekends with Workever’s easy 5-step plan and the magic of smart job scheduling.
Getting a Work-Life balance
A “work-life balance” is more than a catchy wellness phrase. You might be able to crunch in crazy hours back-to-back, but burnout has long-term impacts on not just your physical well-being but also the financial security of your business. You’re not your best overworked; your productivity drops, you make more mistakes and your stress levels are probably through the roof.
Smart scheduling tools like Workever can help you get a work-life balance without sacrificing on your productivity or business goals. Skip the Sunday evening planning session and use Workever instead. From one platform you can set the week’s top priorities, assign tasks, manage your team and keep track of any outstanding admin tasks from the previous week. You’ll also be able to respond more efficiently to the inevitable curveballs that running a trade business brings. With Workever you can quickly reassign jobs, and communicate with both your team and clients as you adapt.
5 Steps To Take Back Your Weekend
Step 1 – Make Digital Schedules
Digital schedules not only help you maximise the hours in each workday, you can also prioritise and schedule in your downtime. You’ll also never lose an important timesheet or feedback report again; with Workever you can keep your client, job and tradie schedules all in one place.

Step 2 – Automate Routine Tasks
Routine tasks like sending out reminders and emails often account for 8-10% of a small business’ work week. Take back that extra time with Workever’s automation features. From sending out invoicing reminders to assigning jobs based on availability, let Workever handle the routine tasks so you can focus on growing your business instead of managing it.
Step 3 – Create Job Groups
Grouping your jobs by area or type can help you increase your productivity and decrease your travel time. Workever helps you spot any overlaps in jobs so you can schedule them back-to-back for a more efficient day.
Step 4 – Create a built-in Plan B
Murphy’s Law is real and sudden twists and turns can ruin your schedule, no matter how well you plan. When you use Workever, you can build a solid Plan B to default to when unexpected changes hit. With Workever’s smart scheduling feature, you can build buffer time for emergencies or last-minute jobs into your schedule so you don’t have to scramble when things go off-track.

Step 5 – Do a Friday Afternoon Review
Instead of sacrificing your Sunday evenings to plan, with Workever you can take an hour each Friday afternoon to review how your schedules are working and identify any areas you can improve. Were there some jobs that took longer than predicted? Or was the travel time spent this week more than you expected? With each review you can finetune your schedule, become more accurate over time and most importantly keep your weekends free.
Become a Trailblazer with Workever
With Workever you don’t only get your weekends back, you unlock a host of other features to put your business light years ahead of the pack:
Beat traffic with optimised routes
Workever helps you factor in travel time between jobs and suggests the most efficient routes for your tradies.
Less cancellations and no-shows
Through automatic reminders to both your clients and tradies, Workever reduces the likelihood of both cancellations and no-shows.
Improved cash flow
Workever helps you get your money faster in two ways; first by making jobs more efficient and secondly with automatic invoicing reminders which have been shown to reduce payment timelines by up to 25%
Increased client loyalty and satisfaction
Workever’s client portal allows clients to keep track of jobs directly and easily feedback any issues they might have before it escalates into a big problem. Plus with Workever’s scheduling, you will be meeting deadlines and generating a steady stream of returning clients.
Ready to end your 7-day work week? Sign up for a free trial of Workever today and with our 5-star reviews, come experience why we’re currently on Xero’s Featured Apps list of top apps.